Second Month: J U L Y

Image result for july calligraphy This month is where I found out further informations about others. By this month, I already know their characteristics and attitudes.

By this month I already have my own thoughts about others, not to brag, but they're mostly good.

But I know I'm not the only one who have an opinion or thoughts about others, they also do. Some of them opens up to me honsestly, some positives, some negatives, and I am fine with that.

While others probably likes to keep their thoughts to their selves, I am also fine with that, I dont want to force them to open up to me.

This month is also very fun since this month is the nutrition month. I had a lot of fun with the activities I'm involved such as the cooking contest, poster making contest, slogan making contest, and the jingle making contest. To be honest, I didn't won on any of the said contest, but the experience were for keeps.

Ed's Birthday, July 10, 2017

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Eighth Month: J A N U A R Y

Tenth Month: March

Ninth Month: F E B R U A R Y